Protection Policy on Personal Information
Toyo Agency, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Toyo AG”) acquires the personal information on the participation, submission of abstracts and/or manuscripts of presentation at the International and/or Domestic conference via web site under a commission from the secretarial office of each sponsor organization.
Toyo AG recognizes the importance of personal information and our responsibility of protecting privacy. To meet the demands and earn the trust of society, all directors and members of Toyo AG will observe properly the following “Protection Policy on Personal Information.”
- Toyo AG will acquire, use and offer necessary personal information of company employee only for recruitment and for the personnel management.
- Toyo AG will acquire personal information by the offer from the outplacement company only for recruitment activity.
- Toyo AG will observe the laws, regulations and guidelines of Japan to handle personal information and defines procedures in accordance with related regulations.
- Toyo AG will use the information acquired via registration and/or call for paper web site only for meeting program, abstracts and/or proceedings in the form of printing, DVD-ROM and/or USB memory distributed at the meeting site and/or uploading on the web site with prior consent from each applicant and from the secretarial office of each sponsor organization.
- Toyo AG will take necessary security measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss or damage of personal information. Toyo AG promptly shall take all appropriate measures in the event of an accident occurred.
- Toyo AG will be willing to take care of any enquiries and/or consultations pertaining to any personal information, including cases that any participant/employee should request to make any correction to, discontinue the use of and/or delete any personal information, etc. without delay.
- Toyo AG will periodically carry out audits to ensure the personal information protection is properly maintained and continually improve its protection management system and all amendments will be made public through its website.
September 3, 2018 (Revised ver.)
February 4, 2005
Chief Privacy Auditing officer
Toyo Agency, Inc.
- 【Contact 】
- Toyo Agency, Inc.
Axan Bldg. 2F, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 105-0072, Japan TEL:+81-3‐3262-6605